Farm2Hope Events

Farm2Hope Eden Team
A. Farm2Hope Volunteers
Visit our Collbortion Project locations (Guild or FAST) learn on the job to maintain the plants.
Help build the Garden to be a safe Therapeutic Garden.
Register Bellow to indicate your interest.

B. Farm2Hope Subscription Membership

- Join the Farm2Hope Eden Team.
- Pay $90 for 6 months of fully supported 4 Planters. Renew subscription every six months for additional $60. Self-Collect at Eden @ TGIC
- Attend one workshop session on ‘Plant Care’ (worth $60). Book a slot to attend as a group of minimum 10.
- F2H will grow the plants at Eden with Organic Grow Media and supply.
- During the subscription period you may book a time slot to bring the Planter for Repotting or for exchanging for a different plant.

- Pay $58 for a 24L Bokashi Bin and join the Bokashi Composting Group to recycle food waste from home. Integrate ‘Organic Composting’ into ‘Organic Growing’.
C. Farm2Hope Premium Membership
- Purchase a ‘Premium F2H Annual Membership’ by paying $1,000.
- Select every month $80 worth of Healthy Products available from Farm2Hope at 20% discount on retail price.
- Seaberry Superfood Products. Other products will be added.

500ml $32
(20% off of RRP $40)

250ml $16
(20% off of RRP $20)

D. Farm2Hope Sponsor
- Help promote Farm2Hope Mission by becoming a ‘Sponsor’.
- Sponsorship for 2 years at S$5,000.
- Farm2Hope will deliver S$50 worth of products every month.
- Sponsor may select product from the list of products available.
- At the end of 2 years, Farm2Hope will return the $5,000.
Farm2Hope Products
Farm2Hope Vision & Mission
Eden Garden Hub' Profile
Farm2Hope is a company registered in Singapore operating on a ‘Social Enterprise’ model to serve the needs of homes & communities through ‘Agritech Business’ that is innovative, healthy and sustainable. Farm2Hope has launched ‘Eden Garden Hub’ as the ‘Agritech Garden Infrastructure Platform’ to achieve the ‘Vision & Mission’ of Farm2Hope
Farm2Hope Vision
Farm2Hope Vision is to bring ‘Health’, ‘Harmony’ and ‘Hope’ to Homes and Communities

Agritech Systems

Innovative Agritech Systems:
To develop an 'Eco System' to support 'Research & Development' of various small scale 'Agritech Systems' that can be deployed at home, office and in community farms. We will connect with and adopt solutions from around the world.

Community Collaboration through Membership

Community Collaboration through Membership:
To 'Serve Communities in Need' by creating solutions that are relevant to the community and can provide the appropriate environment for the community members to gather and work together to create solutions.

Serve the Vulnerable
Use Therapeutic Gardening

Serve the Vulnerable through Therapeutic Environment:
To provide a 'Therapeutic Environment' to support Social Service organisations who serve the vulnerable members of the community - for those who are physically, mentally, emotionally, socially or economically challenged.

Grow Eco-Friendly Green
Closer to Home

Growing Environment-Friendly Greens Closer to Home:
To bring 'Growing Green' while protecting environment, closer to each home and every community and meet the 'Holistic Needs' of the community in the process.

Growing Environment-Friendly Greens Closer to Home:
Coming soon

Social Enterprise

Sustainable Social Enterprise:
To develop 'Sustainable Agritech Solutions' that are profitable and enables 'Economic Empowerment' of the community we serve while making Farm2Hope also financially healthy to grow and multiply our 'Community Impact'.

Integration Hub

Resource Integration Hub:
To gather resources to build a 'Farm2Hope Community' who will work together to build model 'Edible Gardens Hub' that will be a 'Hub' for knowledge, technology, systems and products with a 'Supply Chain' to bring quality products to Members.

Agritech Entrepreneurs

Mentoring Agritech Entrepreneurs:
To 'Find and Mentor Agritech Entrepreneurs' who will go on to serve a community of their choice by using the model developed by Farm2hope with mentoring support from Farm2Hope Community members.

Grow Kit for Herbs and Vegetables at Home

Model Eden Garden - In collaboration with 'The Salvation Army':
To demonstrate the model for the 'Community Collaboration Garden' by building up 'Eden Garden Hub' in Singapore at: 356 Tanglin Road. Singapore 247674. You can see 'Soil-based Grow Kits', 'Hydroponics' & 'Aquaponics' systems.

Shop Online
Farm2Hope Shop

Shop online Farm2Hope Products & Services:
To bring quality products & services to Farm2Hope Community. Purchase 'Hope Products', Join Workshops, Webinars & Events.

Shop Online Farm2Hope Shop